Archive for December 11, 2018

let us kiss

Artwork from Google

let us kiss …

let us kiss, deep and slow, in our long African night, beneath this carpet of stars, bathed in hues of soft light, far away from the clamour of each day, to our very own place where palm trees sashay and sway, far from the echoes of pain, to be washed pure by our African rain, so come with me, let us be free, leaving it all behind, to be, to simply be … 

Artwork from Google

“Billie Holiday” by Banksy

quasi-philosophical scribble …

whispers echo,

stumbling, crawling,

caught in sandstorms,

trudging across deserts,

strewn with famished hearts,

staying afloat,


ceaselessly bashed by merciless tides,

gasping for breath,

deep in oceans of misplaced tears,

ever wary of tomorrow,

as another dawn nears,

carrying the scars,

scabs still unhealed,


souls battered,

sliced by the elements,

fate, destiny,


free smiles are caged,

remaining shackled,


through myriad threads,

hopelessly entangled,

here, now, today,

drowning out the whispers of hope,

love reigned in,

back to now,

away from placid streams,

far from sunsoaked dreams,

to awake back here,

without you by my side,

as years shamble on,

exhausting my weary eyes,

dripping blood,

shedding tears,

with nowhere,

nowhere at all,

left to hide …

Artwork from Google

faded photographs …

polished floors, paint dripping from fresh walls, tiles laid, house and home sparkling … 

souls desolate, hearts unbeating, smiles jaded, ruffling through photographs,

now packed away someplace,


faded …

Artwork from Google