i want to walk with you with heads held high,

not cowering, never bowed,

with our feet on this earth,

our dreams reaching for the sky.

dreams of peace, of mirth,

for all travellers on this, our earth.


dreams not of wealth, of power,

simple dreams of walks after a gentle rain shower.


dreams of bread, water, dignity, shelter, clothes for all,

dreams where all may walk this earth proud and tall.


i want to walk with you, my fellow traveller, with our heads held high,

not pandering to power, never silent in the face of its abuse,

firm in our convictions that a better world is possible, if a humane path is what we choose,
when all may walk with heads held high,

not cowering, heads never bowed,

our common dreams reaching for the sky.


call me silly, call me naive, call me hopeless, call me weak,

but is this not the common good,

that all creeds, and all cultures seek?