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When we Kissed …

​when you kissed me, our tongues waltzed in symphonic harmony,

teasing the crescendos as we sipped ambrosia in our tango of passion.

when we made love, our bodies fused, in singular unison,

the sweat mingled with the desire to soak in as much of the nectar of love.

when we walked, hand in hand, the powdery beach beneath our feet, 

we became one with nature, our love a testament to the unison of complete surrender.

when we spoke of times past, and tomorrows yet to dawn,

we felt the tug of kindred spirits, so elusive until now.

when we gazed into each others eyes, 

we felt ourselves drowning in a maelstrom of unquenchable togetherness.

when we kissed again, and again, as we do now,

we bask in the sunlight, of a love impossible to explain,

a love that weathered the seasons, the coming of autumn,

through life’s pain, and through the slicing barrage of fate’s icy rain …

Artwork from Google