fading a little.

fading a little,

momentary thoughts slip away,

fleeing into the grass,

where wild flowers  sensually sashay.

fading a little,

feelings ache to be embraced,

numbed by stings of accumulated clutter,

destined to swirl down fate’s yawning gutter.

fading a little,

emotions like scattered leaves on desolate pavements,

lonesome hearts invisible in empty tenements.

fading a little,

tomorrow’s words as yet unspoken,

the trepidation that they may already be broken.

fading a little,

taking an eternity to mend raw despair,

the jagged wounds that we all share.

fading a little,

ever seeking a gentle heart,

to be if only just,

an infinitesimal part.

fading a little,

trying to be human, for my pain is not just mine, yours not just yours

dreaming of us walking hand in hand, far away from life’s deafening roars.

fading a little,

the mirror a haunting spectre of advancing age,

after all these decades, still seeking release from the vacuum of this glittering cage.

fading a little,

through the harsh years that have gone before,

would you fade with me for just a little more?

fading a little,

stepping into the twilight of life,

would you fade with me off the precipice of this blade’s knife?

haven’t we, after all, weathered the pain, the desolation, the persistent jabbing strife?

fading a little, together.